Hybrid cloud solutions

Enjoy the perks of multiple cloud solutions in one with hybrid cloud infrastructure. Be prepared for any task and make sure your IT infrastructure stays up and running

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Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure
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Advantages of hybrid clouds

Virtualization platforms

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Tech support 24/7

Our multilingual tech support team is always available and ready to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

Certified data centers

Your IT infrastructure will be located in secure ISO/IEC 27001-certified data centers in Karlsruhe, Germany.

High availability

High uptime values are guaranteed; we hold ourselves to the strictest standards regarding availability.

Quick recovery

Should any unexpected failures happen, contact us and our team of experts will respond within 1 hour.


Despite the similarities in naming, hybrid clouds and multi clouds are separate solutions. Hybrid clouds only combine different types of cloud models and infrastructure as a whole (private, public, on-premises), while multi clouds bridge the services of separate providers. Here’s an example of a hybrid cloud: a private cloud and a public cloud under centralized management, both provided by SIM-Networks. A multicloud can consist of a private cloud provided by SIM-Networks and a public cloud by, say, Microsoft Azure. Its purpose is to simultaneously utilize the benefits of each provider’s particular services.

Hybrid cloud services offer all the benefits of the cloud solutions they include, allowing you to be prepared for most every task that comes your way. This includes simple scaling, freedom with regards to configuration and management, more efficient budgeting, security and so on. Their main feature is the ability to move workloads between environments and utilize them in the most fitting one.

However, this freedom hybrid cloud also comes with increased complexity, requiring more attention to management from your company. As a rule, hybrid cloud solutions are also more expensive due to the fact that they utilize multiple clouds, each with their own price tag.

The public cloud is a mode of cloud deployment that provides a segment of a provider’s multi-tenant infrastructure to a client. In other words, the infrastructure is shared between multiple users while their individual segments are completely inaccessible to each other. This solution is easy in deployment and in use, and it is often the most cost-effective one.

The hybrid cloud provides the security measures of the clouds within it. With a reliable provider and adequate safety measures, it can be one of the most secure solutions. The complexity of the hybrid cloud is also one of its greatest defenses due to the fact that it is much harder to affect your data if it is appropriately divided between separate clouds.

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Hybrid clouds: when to use them and why

Hybrid clouds can be of great benefit to many companies, but it is no coincidence that they’re often called ‘enterprise hybrid clouds’.

For all the benefits this type of architecture has to offer, it is quite complex and requires constant management. This means that a company that wishes to move its services to the hybrid cloud has to be prepared to employ a dedicated IT team to handle the infrastructure. While this may seem daunting at first glance, the advantages of having multiple cloud environments with all the perks they bring to the table may be worth it for your company depending on its needs and abilities. If hybrid cloud solutions are something you can afford, they are a solid investment.

The hybrid cloud is a good choice for companies that work with fluctuating workloads and wish to permanently maintain certain …

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